
Humble whisky

Jason ten Klooster
Elisenstrasse 19
46147 Oberhausen

Telefon: +491606398993
E-Mail: Jason(at)


Humble whisky, humble whisky logo and photos on the website are property of owner.

Fotos done by dmvdberg fotografie.

All rights reserved. No portion of this website may be reproduced – mechanically, electronically or by any other means including photocopying without written permission of the owner.


Humble whisky is not a firm nor is it a website to make money, I do not recieve any money or goods in trade for my advice nor can i be hired.

This site is only about the passion of whisky and the people that enjoy it.

Stop Underage drinking and drink driving.
It is advisable not to drink alcohol during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
It is important to drink moderately.